Monday, August 31, 2009

... i miss you ...

yeah..i miss you much..
this fasting month makes me remember everything about us... a year ago..
our late nite dinner, waiting the time, go around to Paris Van Java, have fun with our friends...
God, I miss you...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

... impulsive shopping ...

inilah jadinya, 
bila belanja sambil ngabuburit, 

impulsive shopping
3 heels dengan model dan warna berbeda
yaa serupa hampir tak sama siih

but i love my nu heeelsss :)

well, i think for next few months i should controll my self to not use my credit card huehuehue ;p


... love my nu hair ...

emang agak aneh
dan ga beda jauh sama rambut gue yang lama
cuma yang ini lebih pendek dan tipis aja hehehehe

kalo kata temen-temen gue kayak emo kids huehuehueeee...

biarin aaah, yang penting saya hepiii :p

Owly with her nu hairstyle

* pics menyusuuul

... oh mai killer heels ...

no pain, no style!!

walaupun harus tersiksa dengan heels semi ramping 7cm ini,
tapi saya tetap semangaaaaat!!
karena bikin saya terlihat tinggi, dan pastinya stand out hihihihi

* ps: sempet hampir mau kecengklak wekekekeke ;p

Owly yang berusaha bertahan dengan sepatu barunya :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

... Puasa Oh Puasaaaa ...

Hari 1?
Walau tak sahur karena ketiduran, walau gemetaran ngelewatin masa krisis antara pengen buka tapi ga pengen karena nanggung, akhirnya bisa juga puasa sampai akhir hehehe.
buka puasa di antrian Bread Talk :)

Hari 2?
Tak sahur lagi. dan akhirnya tumbang karena udah gemetaran dan kena maag :(

Hari 3?
Insting yang oke! sempet pengen puasa tapi perut ga bisa diajak kompromi. ternyata oh ternyata saya dapat 'tamu bulanan'. jadilah secara resmi tak puasa lagi hingga seminggu kedepan :)

Hari berikutnya?
kita tunggu sajaaa
Puasa oooh...puasa...

antara niat ga niaat...
antara semangat dan lemas..

Owly yang berjuang untuk bisa puasa hihihi

... OnLine OnLine ...

well.. hmm.. hmm..
i try to handle my passion, but it's so biiig..
and they're so cuteeeee... hihihi
i can't stop see it, and after that?
i click to buy.. this and that...

oh God, online store is reallyy teasing meeee ;p


Friday, August 21, 2009

... mau mau mau ...

Can u give it for my birthday present?


... just ...

just realized..
that I love 2 person..


... love it ...

saat kamu duduk di samping ku,
ngobrol bareng
menikmati serial tivi favorit,
diakhiri dengan pijatan di punggung dan pinggangku yang sering bermasalah,
hingga akhirnya aku tertidur keenakan :)
dan kamu melengkapinya dengan ciuman selamat malam di pipi dan kening :)


... finally ...

I can write my blog again...
my work during the fasting time is soo soo soo.. fiuuuhhh :(
hmm.. tomorrow we'll start fasting month
people around me are already go back home..
wish I can be like them..
go back on time,
and spend the time with family or lovely person..
hmmmm.... hm.... but i love my job :)


Saturday, August 15, 2009

... he got a new GF ...

not until 1 year we broke up,
and close to his birthday,
my ex have a new gf :(

thanks to facebook. I don't mean to stalker. just a quick look at his account. and suddenly i see that his status already change, not single again. huff...
soo this is the reason why he always talk to me when he call me from his far away country: owly, if u have someone close to you don't let it go. or owly, u can date every man u like..

yeah rite...
u can easily say that coz u already have it from the first time we broke up :(
(owly, get ur positive thinking!!)

I hate this..
well, I'm happy for him ( I think)... but I dont know i just feel little bit angry, little bit sad, face the fact that he's not thinking of me anymore. hiks :(
why he didn't tell me that he already close with someone?
so i'm not think about him anymore...

well, from now i shouldn't think about him again..
he's already move on
so do with me...

hey you...


...the other side..

it will be the other side of me..
i'm sure...
